
About TRL




Most companies today realize that training and continuing education are an investment in their future. Audio programs are a cost effective training solution that can fit into anyone's busy schedule. 

Our rental charges are as low as $12 per title. The cost for a whole year of service is less than most one day seminars! Plus there is no time lost from work, because audio programs can make use of existing time. Most people listen to tapes while they commute or travel. You can attend a seminar right in your car! 

We have thousands of titles in our library, and we add more each year. Authors such as Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, Tom Peters, Tony Alessandra, and many, many more. Covering subjects such as Selling, Management, Communication and Self-Development. It is easy to develop a custom training program on almost any business topic. 

To find out more, please contact us at (434) 293-3705 or click on one of the following links.

Audio Learning Library

Visual Learning Library

Corporate Program

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